MSFT Place Home improvement 5 Steps That a Flood Damage Removal Service Alpharetta Georgia Will Take On

5 Steps That a Flood Damage Removal Service Alpharetta Georgia Will Take On

If your heart feels as if it’s dropped all the way to your feet when you see the home flooded, don’t feel alone. That’s the way many homeowners react when they see the place they love so much filled with floodwater. The thing you should hold onto is that it’s often possible to recover from this type of disaster. With the aid of a reputable flood damage removal service Alpharetta Georgia, that home will be all yours again. While the exact process depends on the amount of flooding and damage, there are some basic steps that are sure to be included.

Get Rid of the Water

Before anything else can happen, the team will remove water from the home. This should be done as quickly as possible. Water that’s left standing in the home for even as few days will cause additional damage. By removing it now, the drying process can commence and there’s a better chance of ensuring the home’s frame remains intact and sturdy. 

Clear the Space of All Belongings

Once the water is removed, the next step is to remove everything from the home’s interior. That includes all clothing, furnishings, appliances, wall art, and anything else that’s not permanently attached. Even the wall-to-wall carpeting has to be removed. The goal is to clear the space and allow more of the nooks and crannies to dry out. It also provides the opportunity for the team to fully assess the degree of structural damage. 

Set Aside Items That Can Be Salvaged

With everything out of the home, the sorting process begins. Anything that can be cleaned and restored will be set to one side. All the belongings that are too damaged to repair can be hauled away from the site. While it may be difficult to accept that some of your treasured belongings cannot be salvaged, focus more on all the things that can be laundered, deep cleaned, and in general restored for use once the home is habitable again. 

Initiate the Cleaning Process

With the home emptied and the space rapidly drying out, it’s time to initiate the cleaning process. This will often involve getting rid of the dirt and grime that accumulated during the flooding. It also means checking for signs of mold in every area of the home. Once the deep cleaning is done, it will be time to treat the entire house for mold. The goal is to not just remove mold that’s already easy to spot; it’s also to kill any mold spores that could cause mold to proliferate in the months ahead. 

Help You With Filing Insurance Claims

There are professionals at the flood damage removal service Alpharetta Georgia who can help you with preparing all the documentation related to filing an insurance claim. In some cases, the team at the service may take the lead in filing claims and communicating with your insurance provider. Given that your nerves are likely on edge as you deal with what’s taken place, those helping hands will go a long way toward keeping you from getting too depressed. 

These are only some examples of what the team from a flood damage removal service will accomplish. If this type of disaster strikes, waste no time contacting a service and arranging for an initial inspection. Once you know more about what needs to be done and how the service will manage those tasks, you can look forward to the day when all of this is behind you.