MSFT Place Home improvement The Advantages and Disadvantages Of Residential Lighting Control System

The Advantages and Disadvantages Of Residential Lighting Control System

Everyone wants the best in anything, and when it comes to personal living spaces, they want the best of the best. Now if you are considering changing a few things in your residence and are looking to carry out a renovation of some sort, it might be time as well to look into your residential lighting control system.

If you are already running a fully automated and smart lighting control system, then great. And if you aren’t, then you probably have your reasons. This article however is just here to shed some light on the advantages and disadvantages of using an automated residential lighting control system.


  • Saves Energy Cost

a fully integrated lighting control system surely includes a feature that allows users to dim their lights to varying levels. Studies have shown that with just a 10% dim – which is hardly noticeable – on all lights in a property can result in huge savings for the users. Automated light controls on the other hand which are equipped with occupancy and motion sensors can help you save cost by coming on only when it is needed.

  • Convenience

Over the years, a lot of things have been made easier due to technological advancement. This is also the case when it comes to controlling the lighting in your home. Gone are the days when you must get up and walk to a switch to flick it for you to enjoy illumination. These days with a smart mobile phone or with just a clap of your hands, you can control your lighting system from a position of convenience.

  • Comes in Handy

It is true that no one likes a show off, that though hasn’t stopped many from doing just that – showing off. You also can do that with a fully integrated lighting control system, whether to friends or relatives. Many of these lighting control systems however do more than just show off. With a feature that allows you to preset different lighting levels that are suited for different occasions, you can easily make your home a warm place where friends and family can feel most welcomed with just the click of a button.


  • Learning to Use It

There are some of these automated lighting systems that contains a lot of featureswhich sometimes make operating them an intricate affair. Older people might not be quick to learn how to use these systems and can easily become frustrated.

  • Unreliability

Most of these automated and smart lighting control system are wireless in nature. This means that there are bound to be interferences at certain points in time. Wireless systems can be hacked into and someone else can gain control of your lighting system even from outside your house.

  • Higher Level of Maintenance

Unlike the regular lighting control system which require minimal to no maintenance, automated control systems require much more than that. It could be as simple as changing batteries to something as serious as upgrading your firewalls.

Having considered the pros and cons of a fully automated residential lighting control system, you can now make an informed choice on whether you want it or not. If you choose to do however, make sure you only employ the services of a company that is very efficient in the installation of such lighting control systems.