MSFT Place Lawyer How to Know the Asphalt Paving Good for Public Works

How to Know the Asphalt Paving Good for Public Works

Experts have identified three types of paving for public works. According to an expert, the flexible floor is made with granular bases and asphalt coating. The semi-rigid has a cemented base and flexible coating – asphalt. And the hard are the concrete slabs. Pavements should be designed specifically for each situation. There is no rule that defines the ideal type of pavement to be used on highways or urban roads. Geotechnical and geometrical features should be considered, with emphasis on the surface drainage system, especially when dealing with urban roads.

The best option is flexible flooring. Since properly sized, it better supports shear forces, in addition to accepting the execution of localized repairs. And it can also be resized by structural reinforcement – resurfacing – according to the need for traffic and requests.

Flexible Flooring

For the director, the cost of installing and maintaining the flexible floor is lower than that of the rigid ones, since they do not accept localized repairs. It is necessary for the reconstruction of the whole concrete plate, highlighting the greater difficulty of execution due to the healing process. Concrete is more suitable for bus corridors where there are many stopping points – shelters and intersections – with a higher concentration of static load and braking points, whose shear stresses are more severe in relation to highways – dynamic loads. Another aspect that should be considered is that in urban roads there is greater degradation of the asphalt by the action of fuel oil and lubricants spilled by the operation of the buses and who better to know than William Stanley & Sons Paving.

As for the chronic deterioration of highways, one must take into account the aspects of maintenance and conservation that are generally not carried out at the right and planned times. It is clear that there is no pavement management system (GSP), a key factor in the degradation of a pavement – especially in the flexible ones, which are ruined for inadequate maintenance.

Concrete Pavement

Concrete pavement provided it has no grease problems – floor level – mainly on urban roads, can be run on existing flexible flooring – white topping. This technique consists of the application of a properly dimensioned concrete slab on the flexible floor, considering the residual number of the existing structure. It should be noted that before the application of white topping, is interference in public services – water networks, sewage, telephony, rainwater – because the rigid pavement does not accept localized repairs, requiring the reconstruction of the whole plate. In this case, it is recommended to replace these interferences, avoiding future problems of maintenance of public services.