MSFT Place Food One easy cocktail recipe of malt scotch whiskey that you can consider for your next party

One easy cocktail recipe of malt scotch whiskey that you can consider for your next party

Are you a lover of cocktail drinks? And you want to make your party hit with some unique cocktail drinks? 

Well! You can try different flavors of cocktail drinks with single malt scotch whiskey. These drinks are unique and you can serve these drinks at your house parties. These drinks are easy to make and taste very different. You can read more about single malt whiskey cocktails to make these drinks more fun. 

Robert Burns 

This cocktail drink is considered one of the classic cocktail drinks of all time. The name of the drink comes from a famous poet whose work was mostly published in the seventeenth century in Scotland. However, you can enjoy classic English cocktails with this simple recipe. The flavors of this drink are very much appealing. 

What do you need? 

  • Sweet vermouth (¾ ounce)
  • Scotch whiskey (2 ounces)
  • Orange bitters (1 dash)
  • Absinthe (1 dash)

How can you make it? 

The first thing you have to do is collect all the ingredients together. You have to find the best scotch whiskey on the market. You can get single malt as it tastes good and will go very well with this drink. Now, you have a cocktail shaker and add all the ingredients together. You need to shake it very well with ice. You can add orange peels over the top of the glass to make the drink charming. 

You can adjust the flavor of the drinks in this cocktail recipe. You just have to adjust the ratio of whiskey or vermouth to get the different flavors as per your taste and choice. You have to ensure that you are making this drink with quality ingredients. 

Finally, you can replace absinthe with anise liqueurs to add a quality flavor to this cocktail. Now, make your party a superhit with this unique flavored drink. 

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